=============================================================== BlueM.Sim Release Notes =============================================================== Version 0.9.8 ------------- NEW: * Added debug wel file for FKA elements (including water quality parameters) FIXED: * Various fixes related to compilation and build output * Fixed error occurring with x64 builds on AMD CPUs CHANGED: * Updated to Intel Fortran Compiler Classic 2021.2.0 NOTE: Due to a migration to a different issue tracking system, issue numbers have changed. Old numbers are denoted by BUG, new numbers by # Version 0.9.7 (r793) -------------------- Initial Release under the BSD-2 License, see LICENSE.TXT for more information. NEW: * MBWQM - M. Bach Quality Model CHANGED: * Various bug fixes and enhancements Version 0.9.6 (r719) -------------------- NEW: * OpenMI interface * SWQM4 - Simple water quality model Version 4 * New extended log file output (option LLOGOUT in the ALL-File) IMPROVED: * Calculation of flow over a submerged weir * Soil moisture calculation: - All soil functions (infiltration, percolation, etc.) have been revised - Interflow is now generated both in the infiltration layer as well as in the root layer - Calculation of rainfall interception has been revised * Release-Version rechnet schneller und ist multithread-fähig CHANGED: * Bug 461: The error output file now has the file extension *.ERR and the simulation time as part of the file name. Error files are now preserved permanently until deleted by the user. * Bug 468: The water level output for Transport elements is now calculated based on the average flow within the element (not the flow at the outlet, as was previously the case) Version 0.9.5 (r629) ------------- * FIXED: Es wurde ein falscher Fehler ausgegeben * NEW: Umstellung auf Intel Fortran Compiler Version 0.9.4 (r623) ------------- * NEW: Trennung von EZGs und FKAs; neue Eingabedatei *.FKA eingeführt * NEW: Angabe von Beta2 in EZG-Datei jetzt optional * FIXED: Bug 376: Psi-Beiwert wird mit aktuellem Verlustbeiwert berechnet * FIXED: Bug 371: Aufteilungsfaktoren Beta in EZG-Datei beziehen sich nur noch auf die unversiegelten Fläche Version 0.9.3 ------------- * Neue Schnittstelle Get_EZG_QBA Version 0.9.2 (r506) ------------- * zu viele Veränderungen, um sie hier alle aufzuzählen Version 0.9.1 (r212) ------------- * Umstellung von EXE auf DLL Version 0.9 ----------- * Anfang der Versionierung